You can select the ideal PC configuration based on your needs and budget. Each build consists of 9 essential components (CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, etc.)
🔄 Intelligent Alternative System
Each component has up to three alternatives in case the main model is out of stock.
These alternatives are chosen based on:
✅ The same price range and quality to ensure similar performance.
✅ Real-time availability from linked suppliers.
✅ Recommended options based on the best price-performance ratio.
When you select a build, the system checks the availability of the components and, if necessary, automatically replaces them with the best available alternative. This way, you'll always have a functional and optimized PC without worrying about stock issues.
🚀 Explore, choose, and get the perfect build for you!
Pequeño pero funcional, lo esencial para moverte.
- CPU:
- Placa Base:
- Tarjeta Gráfica:
- Memoria RAM:
- Almacenamiento:
- Fuente de Poder:
- Caja:
Equilibrado, rápido y eficiente, ideal para la mayoría.
- CPU:
- Placa Base:
- Tarjeta Gráfica:
- Memoria RAM:
- Almacenamiento:
- Fuente de Poder:
- Caja:
Potencia infinita, rendimiento sin límites.
- CPU:
- Placa Base:
- Tarjeta Gráfica:
- Memoria RAM:
- Almacenamiento:
- Fuente de Poder:
- Caja: